
WCCA Drama

Students develop their skills and learn the necessary techniques to pursue post-secondary drama training. Students learn acting styles, theatre history, improvisation, musical theatre, design and other elements of drama.  Experts in the field of entertainment technology tutor students in lighting, sound and other aspects of backstage work.  Students have the opportunity to perform in a variety of productions each year, and in senior levels may study advanced acting, improvisation, production and directing, learning the work of director, designer, dramaturge, stage manager and performer.


Grade 9


This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms and techniques, using material from a wide range of sources and cultures. Students will use the elements of drama to examine situations and issues that are relevant to their lives. Students will create, perform, discuss, and analyze drama. This course requires students to create and perform in dramatic presentations. Available to Drama and Music Theatre Students.

Grade 10


This course requires students to actively explore dramatic forms and techniques, using their own ideas and concerns as well as sources selected from a wide range of authors, genres and cultures. Student learning will include identifying and using the principles of space, time, voice and movement in creating, sustaining and communicating authentic roles within a drama. Available to Drama Students only.

ADB 2OW – Music Theatre Drama Focus

Students in this course will be working to rehearse and perform WCCA’s full length musical for that school year. Students will be working with all Grade levels and a variety of instructors to prepare all aspects of the production. Available to Music Theatre Students only.

Grade 11


This course requires students to create and to perform dramatic presentations. Students will analyze, interpret and perform works of drama from various cultures. Students will also do research on different acting styles and conventions for their presentations, create original works and analyze the functions of playwright, director, actor, producer, designer, technician and audience. Available to Drama and Music Theatre Students.

Grade 12

ADA 4MW – Grade 12’s

This course requires students to experiment with forms and conventions in dramatic literature and to create/adapt and present dramatic works. Students will do research on dramatic forms, conventions, themes and theories of acting and directing and apply their knowledge of these in analyzing and interpreting dramatic literature. Students will also examine the significance of dramatic arts in various cultures. Available to Drama Students only.

ADB 4MW – Music Theatre Drama Focus

Students in this course will be working to rehearse and perform WCCA’s full length musical for that school year. Students will be working with all Grade levels and a variety of instructors to prepare all aspects of the production. Available to Music Theatre Students only.